Martin Dennis


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Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis signed up to a community mission.

Sun 23rd Jun at 12:00pm

Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis went on a community mission

Mon 6th Nov 2023 at 7:00pm

It’s Always a Blessing to Volunteer ⛪️

Bexley Report written by Tim Dickson

With the dark nights now fully operational it always great to be in the warm and inside for our task.

Tonight it was our church clean up, our goal, a complete dust, brush and mop of the whole church including the church offices and the beautiful organ area (always my fav place)

It was awesome having Neil along after not seeing him in a while and a massive hi 5 to Martin and Caz for your help too, i know St. Michaels really appreciates your help.

Our next task here is in the 4th of December to help put up the tree, this is always a brilliant evening so hope to see you there 

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Caroline Dickson
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis went on a community mission

Mon 22nd May 2023 at 7:00pm

A Game of Two Paths

Bexley Report written by Tim Dickson

The brilliant work continued last night at St. Michaels Church. The long range plan is to reclaim the path and hedges around the entire church. This evening we have managed to get one side looking ship shape.

I'd like to give a big shout to the ladies from St.Michaels who also get stuck in to the hard word and for last nights GG team Michelle, Caz, Luke and Martin, you are all awesome 🙌🏻

We've got another evening booked in to continue this project so come team get signed up, we'd live to see you.

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Caroline Dickson
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis signed up to a community mission.

Mon 22nd May 2023 at 7:00pm

Caroline Dickson
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis went on a community mission

Mon 15th May 2023 at 7:00pm

Car’d Park Work Tonight 🚗

Bexley Report written by Tim Dickson

Tonight the team were back at Danson Youth Centre. This mission was to get the car park looking spik and span. We started with a little pick with most of the litter hiding in the hedge rows it wasn’t easy to get hold of it, however with perseverance we won the battle.

The next step was the sweeping and clearing up the dry leaves which had packed themselves around the car park edges too. Myself and Luke grabbed the brushes and started sweeping the leaves into piles while Caz and Martin scooped up and bagged those bad boys.

It was also great seeing Nick for the last few minutes, that’s for coming along

The final result, an awesome looking car park 🙌🏻

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Caroline Dickson
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis signed up to a community mission.

Mon 15th May 2023 at 7:00pm

Caroline Dickson
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis went on a community mission

Sat 18th Mar 2023 at 10:00am

We ‘hedged’ our bets and ‘rose’ to the occasion

Bexley Report written by Bexley runner

Third Saturday of the month is our regularly session with the Friends of the Old English Gardens in Danson Park. Today we braved the rain for a two-part task. Team Roses set about digging up two deeply entrenched rose bushes, while Team Hedges got to work cutting back the box hedges around one of the circular flowerbeds. The rose bushes took some shifting from the sodden soil. We got one out but the other one will have have to wait until next time. The circle of hedging required less brute force and more precision so that, when we got round to where we started, the height matched. We got it just about right! Thank you to Judy and Nicky for having us. We'll see you again next month!


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Caroline DicksonGraham Lee
Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis signed up to a community mission.

Sat 18th Mar 2023 at 10:00am


Keeping our local parks looking awesome

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Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis done a 6 month mission streak. 🎉

Sunday 26th February 2023

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt

Martin Dennis done a 6 month mission streak.

Martin just completed a six month streak of doing missions. That’s so many bags of garden rubbish cleared and jobs done to help someone out and put a smile on their face. Give Martin a cheer to encourage them to keep up the good work.

Martin Dennis
Martin Dennis went on a community mission

Sun 26th Feb 2023 at 9:30am

Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Three Bags Full 🙌🏻

Bexley Report written by Tim Dickson

Its the end of the month so that means its Fit n Pick time. We headed over to Bostall Heath for circuits. I personally love this as it gives us several different exercises that work your whole body by the end of it.

On todays fitness circuit were Burpees 😄, Kettlebell military presses, kettlebell swings, medball slams, cone touchers and last but not least kettlebell deadlifts.

After our cool down we grabbed our litter pickets and got to work around the heath, there was plenty to keep us busy, we even got a massive thank you from the park ranger, what a fab morning.

Thanks guys for showing up and working hard, you are all awesome.

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