

Good Deeds

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Aston’s Eyot
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:00pm

📍Richard Benson Hall OX4 1UR


PaulinaBeckyMaria ClaudiaDaphne MPKieran
10 GoodGymers are going
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Emma went to a social

Tue 23rd Jul at 7:00pm

The Goodgym Five and the mystery bar tab

Oxford Report written by Emma

5 of us met for the Rickety's Tuesday quiz, with no cancellations due to the football this time. In the usual Dodo Pub style, there were no straightforward question and answers. We had one round using all the letters of the alphabet, another sudoku style answer grid, a picture round, the music round etc. We learned that Mario is a plumber (news to some of the team), the most common aliens are called 'greys', and Kier Starmer is the rumoured influence for Mr Darcy in the Bridget Jones films.

We managed a very respectable 2nd place, with £10 of bar snacks as the prize. We also made a pretty solid dent in the £90 tab I was mysteriously sent when the previous quiz was cancelled.

Pizza, pints, and peanuts for all!

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Emma signed up to a community mission.

Wed 14th Aug at 5:30pm

Basic Life Support

Learn life-saving skills, or refresh previous training

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Emma signed up to a group run.

Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm

Emma went on a group run

Wed 10th Jul at 6:00pm

Making Space at MakeSpace

Oxford Report written by Bethan Greenaway

Makespace is a gorgeous community building on the banks of the river, a stones throw from Port Meadow. It houses artists, a very thriving book and plant swap cupboard, and the famed Library of Things.

We pop there annually to give their outside space a spruce and tidy and tonight was no different.

Fourteen Goodgymers made light work of weeding the paving slabs, cutting back brambles to reveal roses, honeysuckle and budlia, and de-mossing the entrance. Ben even got to use a strimmer to attack the ling grass but declared it "a young mans game"..........

A little trio of us then had a delightful jog across Port Meadow - spotting The Medley and reminiscing about the evening we spent there eating pizza in torrential rain!!

Thank you everyone and special well done to Megan on her 50th good deed!!

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JuliaAnwen Greenaway
Emma signed up to a party.

Tue 23rd Jul at 7:00pm

Anwen Greenaway
Emma signed up to a group run.

Wed 10th Jul at 6:00pm

Makespace Oxford Gardening

Garden and car park ‘spring’ clean and tidy

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Emma signed up to a community mission.

Sun 9th Jun at 2:00pm

Emma went on a community mission

Sun 19th May at 2:00pm

Winging it

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Third time's the charm at the Bayard's Hill Primary School new vegetable garden.

On previous visits we've weeded the 7 raised beds installed last year, as well as the pile of top soil which will fill those spaces. This time everything just needed a light weeding then we could get the going with topping up the soil in the raised beds. Forming a production line of soil shovellers, bucket carriers and raised bed levellers, we got every raised bed filled with soil and ready for seeds.

A great effort from everyone, particularly on such a warm day.

Thanks to Anna for the wing-themed refreshments ;-)

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Anwen Greenaway

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Oxford runner

Mon 20th May at 2:17pm

Love the report name! 🪽

Emma signed up to a party.

Tue 25th Jun at 7:00pm
