David Rampton


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David Rampton
David Rampton completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. 🎉

Monday 22nd July

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

David Rampton completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

David has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

David Rampton
David Rampton went on a community mission

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

Plant wait 'till next time

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

What a beautiful evening for tonight's task!

Shortly before 7 a good-sized group gathered in the corner of the Royal London Hospital forecourt to speed through tonight's short fitness session.

It was a fantastic area to workout in, complete with steps and small walls, perfect for shoulder-taps and step-ups.

We headed over to meet the rest of the team after a few stretches, delighted to see how steadily our little group was growing.

Following a briefing from Nancy and Richard, we divided into small teams, each tackling one of these large planters.

The planters are a good addition to the A&E area of The Royal London Hospital, but needed a good weeding after a damp and mild start to summer. Armed with gloves and bin bags, off we headed, determined to get the better of some giant thistles, nettles & co.

To say it didn't take the team long was an understatement. The first planter was clear well before 7:30, leaving plenty of time to turn the soil, ready for Operation Planter Part II.

With a new team put to work on weed and rubbish disposal, we were done and dusted - literally - at a quarter to 8!

What a fun evening.

A big shout-out to the team, especially to Ismet, who joined for his first, brilliant task.

Next week, we're back to the Yurt Cafe for one last final push in the landscaping project!

Until then.

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David Rampton
David Rampton signed up to a community mission.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

David Rampton
David Rampton signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

David Rampton
David Rampton went on a community mission

Mon 13th May at 6:25pm

Raking Bad

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

A mild, bright evening saw 17 GoodGymers head to Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park for a goose-grass and cow parsley bonanza tonight.

We started with 15 minutes of fitness outside the park office, which saw us welcome Nick to his first GoodGym, joined shortly by fellow first timers, Nia and Becky.

Speeding through the weekly lunge selection; adding in a little light upper body work, and finishing with a range of stretches, we managed to get through quite a lot in a short space of time.

Heading over to the well-stocked tool shed, we were greeted by Ken, who had wheelbarrows, rakes and gloves galore ready, and promptly led the way to our spot for tonight's task.

Background to the task

Our regular visits to the park, overseen by experienced Park Manager Ken, always ensure the week gets off to a good start. Although the park has a fantastic team, and a steady stream of volunteers, a decent-sized group of GoodGymers never goes amiss at this picturesque local spot.

Spread out over four corners in total this evening, we raked and plucked at these pesky weeds, which, given half the chance, would take over the park. It was a decent workout, particularly with the wheelbarrow runs to the big weed pile, and most importantly, we made a decent dent in the weeds in this area.

The team didn't stop (well, only to pose patiently for pics, and debate the all-important issue of tonight's pun, who we have Lukas to thank for, but our Emma's fantastic effort absolutely did not go unappreciated).

At around 7:45, we lined up wheelbarrows, collected gloves, and posed for one last pic before speeding back to base.

A brilliant evening once again!

Next week, Emma leads our Monday night activity to Rocky Park, complete with run from the gorgeous Town Hall Hotel!

Until then.

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John Shirley

Tue 14th May at 11:22am

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David Rampton
David Rampton signed up to a community mission.

Mon 13th May at 6:25pm

David Rampton
David Rampton went on a community mission

Wed 8th May at 6:40pm

It all soils down to this

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

Tonight’s task started with a fitness session on Middleton Green, consisting of a short routine of body weight exercises and some running courtesy of Emma and Rohan.

It was a beautiful evening for a few push-ups and a lap of this pretty park.

At 7pm we headed around the corner to meet Margaret who was well prepared as usual. This evening’s task? Filling planters with soil!

A well-organised task

The task started very efficiently with wheelbarrows lined up, bags of soil at the ready, and an efficient system in place.

After a team effort of climbing over the wall with the polytunnel frame, we formed several teams to start on each bag of soil. Shuttling up and down the small path, lifting barrows over the wall and raking soil into planters, we achieved a lot in a short space of time.

At shortly before 8, the whole team gathered to haul one huge back of soil along the path, to position it in an easily-accessible spot for Ash when he resumes this work tomorrow.

Gathering wheelbarrows, rakes and gloves, we made our way back to Rocky Park, via the toolshed and the heavenly jasmine climber.

After posing for that all-important group pic, we finalised the details of our next visit to the gardens on May 20th. (Check out the listing for the next visit here).

A wonderful, sunny mid-week task. Well done everyone.

Until next time.

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Jimmy MitchinsonEmma
David Rampton
David Rampton signed up to a community mission.

Wed 8th May at 6:40pm

David Rampton
David Rampton went on a community mission

Mon 15th Apr at 7:00pm

Gravel Unravelled

Tower Hamlets Report written by John Shirley

Once again we gathered at the Yurt café, even though it had closed two hours earlier. But we were here for a good deed, not a good feed. I arrived quite close to the start time and wondered if anyone else was going to appear. But GoodGymers are known for their precise timing (except Sree and Emma, of course), and nearly all appeared within seconds of the start time, notably Martin who times his pre-task runs to perfection.

Welcome especially to Beth, doing her first ever good deed, and who we hope to see a few more times before she relocates to meet the equally lovely folk at GoodGym Islington.

It was great to be good-deeding in daylight, and to discover there’s a short cut to the Yurt from Limehouse station, until dusk. Some people were still delighting in Fulham’s win against some team from Stratford as we selected gloves: relatively mud-free, and neatly divided into four different sizes.

We were tasked with raking gravel, to be wheelbarrowed away to another spot. One barrow was earmarked for pure gravel, while another was reserved for gravel-mixed-with-earth, which must have got a better name than that. The difficulty came when shovelling up what looked like unadulterated gravel, as we sometimes inadvertently also dug up the earth concealed below, which risked messing up the whole system.

Despite fifteen people wielding spades and shovels (once again trying to ascertain the difference between the two), and long sharp rakes, and pushing wheelbarrows in a confined space, not a single GoodGymer was injured!

Task Force regular Emma​ demonstrated her worth as a photo snapper extraordinaire, then demonstrated how to use a wheelbarrow as a sofa. As Ilana watched the sun set over some indistinguishable writing on a nearby tower block, we gathered for a few final photos. I headed for Limehouse station with Fiona and Alisa, as we looked forward to returning for one or more of the following:

On Saturday lunchtime, join Maddie and Robert sorting food for foodbanks at the Felix Project https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/saturday-afternoon-session-at-the-felix-project-s-poplar-depot-6df11c33-e39a-4480-a244-6b041986663c. Or join the earlier session at 9:30: https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/saturday-morning-session-at-the-felix-project-s-poplar-depot-7fd69d30-ee3a-47cb-8268-3c6b48d2ccd5

Next Monday evening we’re heading for the Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park – always a fun task. https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/the-big-monday-night-task-gardening-at-the-tower-hamlets-cemetery-park-pre-task-workout-4fd663a8-d032-4189-8e78-e0c1adb73052

On Thursday 9th May, there’s a social at the Monument pub in Whitechapel. Myself, Lucinda and “Southern” Emma have already signed up: https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/goodgym-social-in-the-city

On Sunday 2nd June, join us for a great day out on the stunning Seven Sisters walk: https://www.goodgym.org/v3/sessions/seven-sisters-walk

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David Rampton
David Rampton signed up to a community mission.

Mon 15th Apr at 7:00pm

THE BIG MONDAY NIGHT TASK: Helping prepare the Royal Foundation of Saint Katharine for the London Marathon

We're heading back to Limehouse, to help Larry prepare the area around the Yurt Café for this month's Marathon!

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