Annie Anthony Mays


66 years old British Asian female who is friendly, outgoing person who loves Running, gardening, climbing, painting, cycling, eating out,etc


Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

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Run leader
Doing good since February 2017

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

6 Month Streak

TaskForce achievements

Sessions listed


Sessions led


Sessions backmarked


Walks led


Sessions photographed


Reports written

Mission Impossible
Walk Leader
Ethan Hunt
Black T-Shirt
Paula Radcliffe
Haile Gebrselassie
Florence Kiplagat
Mo Farah
Tirunesh Dibaba
Community Cape
On a roll
Finding your feet
Easy 10
Starter's pistol
Hat Doffer
High 5
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Annie Anthony Mays

Annie Anthony Mays's next session


Handlebards - A Comedy of Errors
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:00pm

📍Crows Nest - Heeley People's Park S2 3DJ

Silly Shakespeare in the park

James SmithAnnie Anthony Mays
5 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays signed up to a party.

Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm

Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

DCRT: Salmon Revival - River Don weir fish pass inspections

Helping to monitor & maintain fish passes in the River Don

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Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays signed up to a party.

Wed 3rd Jul at 6:30pm

Common Ground Play

Come watch a play in a beautiful setting

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Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays signed up to a community mission.

Wed 10th Jul at 12:30pm

Bringing Toy Joy 🧸🧩

Help support the Joybank bring toys to children and families in financial hardship

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Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays went on a group run

Mon 1st Jul at 6:30pm

Picking & sorting for Sustrans Sheffield

Sheffield Report written by Tom Mutton

After an initial 'design concept' visit we returned to the Sustrans Sheffield lock up to finish what we had started and make the lock up more organised and in doing so make it better for other volunteers to quickly grab what they needed tool wise before heading out to improve and maintain our fantastic National Cycle Network!

We welcomed a new runner this week. Give a whoop, hola, cheer and follow to:


Thanks for joining us Nathanael and hope to see you back next week!

We split the group as the space was small and litter was at large! Some got to picking the litterbug hotspots whilst some of us got on with finishing tidying and organising the lock up.

Rachel did a fantastic job finishing the tool racking, ready for tools to be safely organised and maximise space in the lock up.

Tom and Annie set about re-organising other areas of the lock up to maximise the efficency of the space!

Annie was even planning colour schemes for the walls!

After we had spent our time there, the place was looking more organised than ever and ready for future efficient and organised volunteering!

Nice work everyone!

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Tom Mutton

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Celine (she/her or they/them)

Tue 2nd Jul at 1:33pm

thank you Tom!

Annie Anthony Mays
Annie Anthony Mays went on a group run

Mon 24th Jun at 6:30pm

6 Fishing Spies

Sheffield Report written by Annie Anthony Mays

6 Goodgymmers run across the 4 Weird of Sheffield. Did check ups, taken photos. discussed various routes to take and followed Health and Safety Regulations. A very hot evening but very enjoyable. Then got treated to cool ice creams to cool us down.

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Tom Mutton
