James Smith


Previously AA of Barnsley GG. I was torn between Barnsley and Sheffield :)


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Paula Radcliffe
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Florence Kiplagat
Haile Gebrselassie
Mission Impossible
Community Cape
Ethan Hunt
Black T-Shirt
Starter's pistol
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Mo Farah
Tirunesh Dibaba
Badger Badge
On a roll
Finding your feet
Easy 10
Hat Doffer
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GoodGym Runner


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James Smith's next session


Handlebards - A Comedy of Errors
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:00pm

📍Crows Nest - Heeley People's Park S2 3DJ

Silly Shakespeare in the park

James SmithAnnie Anthony Mays
5 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
James Smith
James Smith went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:30pm

Just Another Plog In The Machine

Sheffield Report written by James Smith

We were supposed to be painting a room at Sheffield Futures tonight, but a final check with the team there revealed that the person meant to be meeting us was off. Therefore Plan B was put into action at the last minute. This, of course, was plogging. A contact from the Pitsmoor Pickers was contacted on the off-chance she was free, alas it wasn't meant to be!

Luckily some equipment was at hand from past picking trips, so we didn't have to resort to bare-handed tactics. We decided to visit an area of cycle path which GoodGym takes care of for SusTrans, the route behind the Durham Ox. We cleared this section of cycle path as a team, and even witnessed some people using it for once!!! After this, we headed up the road and across to the opposite side to clear the grass verges and scrubland.

We 'refuse' to quit

After an action figure (see photo) packed time filling a bag full each, we set off in search of a street bin where we could leave our refuse. This involved running in the general direction of the canal, where our route back to the Showroom was planned to go along. We eventually found one, thanks to some superb scouting from Rachel, and left our bags by it to be reported to the Fix My Street app later on. We then continued on to the canal towpath where we were treated to a viewing of some new 'street' art before jogging back to the Showroom to stretch off and refresh.

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James Smith
James Smith signed up to a party.

Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm

James Smith
James Smith signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:30pm

Sheffield Futures: Painting the town blue

Making the space more useable and enjoyable for the young people in and around the community

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James Smith
James Smith went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

There's Something Fishy About This

Sheffield Report written by James Smith

3 intrepid explorers set off from The Showroom in search of fish passes in and on weirs along the course of the River Don in central Sheffield. These features in the river need to be inspected and evaluated every so often to make sure they are serving the purpose for which they were installed, flagging up any issues to be fixed. There is a form with set criteria on to be evaluated at each site. As we were a small group tonight we elected to stay together to do the inspections, rather then split up and cover a greater number. We still managed to inspect 4 sites and cover 6km in our alloted time. Great job team GG!

After inspecting as many passes as we could, including Sanderson's Weir, Burton Weir, Walk Mill and Lady's Bridge, we headed back to The Showroom to stretch off before bidding each other adieu.

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Celine (she/her or they/them)

Tue 16th Jul at 11:59am

thank you James / fellow fishy intrepid explorer!
