
GoodGym Ealing

Lucy Hill

Another Brick in the Walnut

Friday 26th July

Written by Lucy Hill

I was back to visit Mr G once again for his weekly shopping trip. It had bean a while since my last mission to see him, however his shopping list (or cleverly strung booklet) remained very much the same: Meals for the week, green veg, potatoes and plenty of yoghurts. And nut forgetting a snack of tasty walnuts too.

Shopping done, cans scanned, bags delivered, and pie was ready for the weekend to begin. Until next time, Mr G.

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EalingCommunity mission
Jacquie de Bidaph

You ll never walk alone

Friday 26th July

Written by StephDucat

Busy Friday at the Hub and Jacquie was the only Goodgymer present for both the Tea shift an serving service. Volunterring regularly at the HUB and today there from 11am until past 3pm. It was a busy day today! Jacquie started by helping pack food bags then helped sort clothes, did some washing up, helped give out food bags and stayed to help clear up. Arul cooked a delicious meal of breaded chicken with potatoes and vegetables, veg option was cheese and tomato tortilla with salad and vegetables. Dessert was apple strudel and ice cream. It was very popular and many people went back for seconds. It was great to see lots of the regulars.
You were alone but you ll never walk alone as many volunteers present.

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EalingCommunity mission
Naomi FNishy Munisami

Preparing takeaway service

Monday 22nd July

Written by Naomi F

Volunteers prepared takeaway bags full of nature’s bounty (Fresh fruits and veggies). They made great headway sorting and labeling an assortment of donated clothes for the homeless. In the background, the team in the kitchen made a delicious smelling Cottage Pie for the hot meal takeaway service. Everyone was productive and took advantage of the chance to help out!

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EalingGroup run
Harvey GallagherPennySevanAlex Schatz

The thin end of the hedge

Tuesday 23rd July

Written by Kash

Our third visit to St Andrew's Church and Community Centre had a fabulous balance between runners, walkers and cyclists. Harvey, Sevan, Steph and Kash practised their hill running skills, setting off from Bodyline to conquer Hanger Hill, then finish with an easy downhill that took them to the church, where Christos and Alex awaited. Yes, you read that right - Alex made a surprise return to GoodGymming. Welcome back, Alex!

Seeing the transformed Pocket Allotment, where GoodGym had helped with clearing the shrubs and laying gravel, we marvelled at the lush flowers and vegetables ready to harvest. Indeed, harvest was underway as Carol, the designer behind the Pocket Allotment success, reaped the crops: kale, mangetout, beans, spinach and edible flowers, and shared them with us as a thank-you - such a lovely gesture!

The Pocket Garden appeared very well looked after and didn't need GoodGym's intervention. It was the area around the corner which needed our expertise in decimating shrubs. That's where we met John, the task owner, and cyclists: Paul from GoodGym Hounslow and Penny, who came for her 25th good deed. Well done - keep it up, Penny!

Tonight's group session had a martial arts undertone. Firstly, at the time of our task, in the community centre, young students were practising aikido. Secondly, the GoodGymers, under the watchful eye of Master John were practising choppido. Just like Mr Miyagi's students performed seemingly humble chores to unlock their karate skills, the GoodGym folk were developing muscle memory of chopping movements - so useful at our summer community missions to clear overgrown community spaces!

Unlike Daniel in Karate Kid, not convinced by his master's teaching techniques, our team jumped into action so eagerly that Kash didn't even get to take the before pictures of intact shrubs - Steph had to hold upright a little tree he had already chopped down! John had split the training session into phases:

1) chopping / trimming / pruning the hedges and trees
2) chopping the trimmings into smaller pieces
3) bagging and putting aside the green waste

Through the repetition of the chopping moves, each of us became one with their shears, loppers and secateurs. Steph earned his black belt by patiently combating a stubborn root stuck in the ground with a pickaxe. By the end of the practice, all Master John's students felt an immense sense of satisfaction when looking at the visible results of the less-than-an-hour exercise. The people inside the centre, in the room used for arts workshops, must have also seen the change as the daylight finally was back at their studio. Fingers crossed we will visit St Andrew's again soon to help with the following stage of the new green space project and see the longer-term impact, just like in the fabulous Pocket Allotment.

Next week, we are back to Lammas Orchard to keep this special community garden accessible to and usable by all. Sign up now!

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EalingCommunity mission

Let's get this sorted

Monday 22nd July

Written by Madhan

We are back at Ealing Soup Kitchen after quite some time. Kash was in her Clark Kent disguise as I went past the queue outside the Salvation Army. Then, the next minute she was gone and came back with her GG suit.

Kash took the food delivery duty while I was in the Men's section. Toothpaste was the crowd favourite today in the toiletries section. Kash soon joined the Men's section and eventually took over the Women's clothing.

Not the red razor please. Red is for ladies - male client

Can I have a pink toothbrush? - female client

We had clients coming at regular intervals and they kept us busy till 7:45. Then we started wrapping up. We also had a few bags of donations today. This made the storage full and we had to leave a few bags outside the cupboards.

After the wrapup, we had an interesting photoshoot where were asked to enact the Charlie's Angels.

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EalingCommunity mission
MichelleAlan ArmstrongMartin GieseBeata

The crate and the Good(gym)

Monday 22nd July

Written by Michelle

Today five Goodgymers including one disguised in a North London football jersey helped with unloading food deliveries at South Ealing Community Food Cupboard.

We arrived in time for the second delivery of the day, with surplus food from supermarkets (eg Felix project) and everyone sprang into action. Unloading the crates full of fruit, vegetables and refrigerated stock.

I was the only first timer today so I got to watch as the team ferried crates back and forth from the delivery van, and the shelves were replenished. There was time to bag up some croissants and sausage rolls and then we left the regular volunteers to finish off preparing for when the doors open to the community at 1pm.

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