

Two ♥

10 GoodGymers made their way 1.0km to have an amazing time in Coventry.

  • Liz Pharoah
  • Katherine
  • Eleanor Johnstone
  • Deb
  • Lilian
  • Allan Mansfield
  • Damian Pharoah
  • Coventry runner
  • Nigel
  • Noufal Sulthan
Tuesday, 16th of March 2021
Led by Liz Pharoah

At a time when we haven't been able to meet in person for over year, it was great to spend the evening celebrating the good work the GoodGym Coventry team has achieved in the past two years.

Taking inspiration from Taskmaster and our Christmas party, Vic had masterminded some tasks relevant to us.

Tasks included a quiz, canal inspired art work, creating Carriers of Hope and return to plank art work.

Thanks team, you are awesome x

Report written by Liz Pharoah

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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