
Community mission

6 Pickers Picking

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Manor Park Community Garden in Newham.

  • Hilary
  • Sharon
  • Kevin Prince
  • Brad Purnell
  • Helen Doyle
  • Hitesh
Saturday, 6th of January 2024
Led by Sharon

Hilary,Brad,Kevin and I started the morning doing Valentines Park parkrun and a quick refuel on the way to Manor Park Community Garden

Hitesh had cycled from his home in East Ham to join us and Helen walked from Wanstead to join her first GG Newham mission

This was our first visit to help the team and litter-picking the garden and surrounding area was todays mission.

Litter pickers and bags in hand we started clearing the flowerbeds in front of the gardens before heading towards the main road,lots of appreciation from local residents for our efforts.

An hour or so later we headed back to the garden to be greeted by more of their regular volunteers and refreshments.

They are in the planning stage of updating and improving access of some areas of the garden......I can see some return visits to this garden one of Newham hidden gems

We will be heading to Wanstead Flats parkrun next week before out double mission

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Emanuel Church

Abbey Gardens

Report written by Sharon

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Led by Sharon

GoodGym Newham Mum 😊

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Emanuel Parish Church

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Brahma Pochee
PrintHouse Bar, 133 High St

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