
Community mission

The Ivy League

10 GoodGymers made their way to help the Bedford Fields in Leeds.

  • Removed User
  • Mary Orobosa-Ogbeide
  • Alyssia Taylor
  • Laura
  • Naomi Turner
  • Freddie Saynor
  • Chloe Merrick
  • Gabi
  • Emma Wisnia
  • Ben Etherington
Sunday, 14th of January 2024
Led by Laura

Today 10 GoodGymers headed to Bedford Fields to start cutting back the Ivy in the trees. The Ivy looks pretty but is actually not good for the trees so the idea is to cut the roots and then we can pull it back once it's died off in a couple of weeks. There was lots to do but many hands made light work and we made a real difference to the area. It was great to see so many newcomers today as well as some people who've been before! Welcome to Chloe, Emma, Freddie, Gab & Jane & great work everyone else!

Report written by Laura

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Mary Orobosa-Ogbeide
Mary Orobosa-Ogbeide
Monday January 15th, 2024 11:49

Thanks for a great session!!

Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Monday January 15th, 2024 12:50

Nice work all!

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Led by Laura

We are a friendly group who meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm. We also have at least one other session in the week. Newcomers welcome!

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Painting and cleaning picnic benches at Left Bank

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Laura
Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART)

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