
Group run

That’s a wrap for the 25th!

16 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help the Greenhouse Project in Liverpool.

  • Emma Nibbs
  • Sophie McClellan
  • Rebecca
  • Laura Waller
  • Jo G
  • Liverpool runner
  • Ealing runner
  • Sallyann Hardwick
  • Ema Quinn
  • Bekah West
  • Steph Willshaw
  • Sian Phillips
  • Liam Pritchard
  • Aditya A
  • Georgia Neary
  • Harry Hardy
Monday, 11th of December 2023
Led by Sophie McClellan

There was much to celebrate on a dark Monday evening as 16 Goodgymmers headed back to the Greenhouse Project. We were wrapping Christmas presents for the centre’s children ahead the big day on the 25th… on our 25th session at the Greenhouse Project!

The centre takes donations to ensure all their children receive a present this Christmas, and the large team quickly got to work ensuring they were all wrapped and labeled. With so many pairs of hands making quick work of the task, attention quickly turned to the buffet table, where everyone had brought mince pies, chocolates and snacks to share to celebrate the festive season and the fact we’re well and truly a part of the fabric at the fantastic Greenhouse Project, having helped out regularly since 2018.

With some quick calculations, it was confirmed those present had a combined total of a whopping 1097 tasks! Ranging right across the scale from a new goodgymmers very first task (welcome Rebecca!) all the way up to veteran Jo phenomenal 178th task! Plus we were delighted to celebrate Emma 100th task – well done you!

Our fabulous area activator Ema was, for once, lost for words when presented with a Christmas gift from the Liverpool Goodgym team, who were adamant she deserved a treat to thank her for all her tireless hard work over the year. Thank you Ema and Happy Christmas!

All in all it was a fabulously festive evening and shows just how much we can achieve when we work together. So whether it’s your first task or your 100th, everyone is welcome at Goodgym and each person really does make a difference to their local community.

Report written by Bekah West

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Sophie McClellan
Led by Sophie McClellan

GoodGym Liverpool Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Bekah West
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Bekah West
    • Ema Quinn

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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