
Community mission

Some like it arty

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the StarGarAllot Community Garden in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Cardiff runner
  • Karolina
Saturday, 30th of October 2021
Led by Michael

A few months ago on a hot, hot day Michael and Karolina carried out a task which involved weeding around the fruit bushes.

Fast the forward to Halloween and the weeds were back with the vengeance. To avoid their return the next Spring, the team (Michael, Sean and Karolina) were given a large sheet of plastic to cover the ground. If only it was that easy.

First, they were photographed by Wales Online posing with their tools and pretending to walk and work. That took about 30 mins. Nobody has seen the photos yet, and let's hope it stays this way.

Second, Michael and Sean started laying down the new path. That was rather complicated as the team was of the civil engineering school with the difference. If you are wondering what that means, well...according to the latest research, it means they believe that lines can be straight differently. If you live in a house where not one wall seem straight, then you know what we are talking about.

Third, Karolina decided to get rid of all weeds around the fruit bushes earning herself a very flattering Godzilla nickname. She was growling and destroying almost everything that was in her way.

They have been at it for one hour when a volunteer from Stargarallot arrived and gave the team the two very strong hands they so badly needed.

So after two hours of hard graft after a Friday bowling Social, the team was ready to lay down the black sheet. Here is where the engineering with the difference really kicked off. Karolina began cutting the sheet around so as to fit the fruit bushes. But...the horror. A small path was still left bare. Unable to muster any strength to think straight but differently, Karolina the Godzilla gave up. Micheal, Sean and their fellow volunteer, sprang to action revealing their true artistic selves. They were done with thes lines alltogether and so they laid down the sheet as it was an art exhibition at the COP 26. Some, as we now know, like it arty!

The now newly formed GoodGym school of art is due to return to the StarGarAllot to the exact same patch which is now called Tutti frutti.

Putting jokes aside, it was an incredibly fun day and the task, that seemed utterly impossible, was done to a high standard. We loved what we have accomplished and so did Camilla and, as always, we can't wait to be back.

Report written by Karolina

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20 Group Activity - Painting at St. Paul Community Hall

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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