
Community mission

Slow way flooding will stop us!

3 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Martin Graff
  • Andrew Skelton
Saturday, 14th of January 2023
Led by Michael

Today was a day for walking, as three goodgymers took to a slow ways route to check it. An 11km route from Dinas Powys to Cardiff City Centre, after a couple of days of extreme rain.

It started at the train station, and what an experience it was. After missing our first train thanks to platform changes, the next three were delayed or cancelled. We found ourselves running from one platform to another as a rather hectic tannoy announcer screamed out changes galore.

Everyone on platform 7, listen carefully.......

Finally, we boarded a train and after just 12 minutes we were at our desitnation. Now for the walk....

It was a beautiful walk in the countryside, over golf courses through woods and water, a little gate swinging and some horse whispering to boot from our very own Martin

A couple of slight delays as we went slightly off course, but nothing too bad. Until finally we could see the city once more for the last part of the walk back to the train station.

Report written by Michael

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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