
Community mission

Scraping by in the church

7 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Bournemouth.

  • Caprice McWilliams
  • Bournemouth runner
  • Janet Beauchamp
  • Keith Baker
  • Eleanor King
  • Milly Corden-lloyd
  • Sophie Cuff
Thursday, 25th of April 2024
Led by Bournemouth runner

Seven Goodgymmers, Caprice, Millie, Sophie, Eleanor, Janet, Keith and Lea joined Ruth inside St Augustin’s church tonight. The planned work outside wasn’t going to happen with buckets (of rain) coming down! No washing walls this time but scraping pillars… the peeling paint as well as salt crystals needed to be removed, so that the pillars will dry out better. Then they can be painted at a later stage. Lots of scraping meant lots of dust…. James to the rescue. Eh what? James could unfortunately not make it, so when Eleanor heard Lea say: “Well done James”, she got a bit confused. Turned out Lea was praising Henry’s cousin James, also in the hoovering business! Eh, right 🤔🤣! And then Caprice and James joined forces to attack more dust… Anyway, with dust collected as well as spiders webs, lots of leaves and a pine cone (?), but no mice running around this time, the church and Ruth are happily awaiting our return as there is lots more to do for the hardworking Goodgymmers group!! Thanks everyone for your hard work.

Report written by Bournemouth runner

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Lea B
Led by Lea B

65 year old, love sports and being active in the outdoors!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Caprice McWilliams

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To finish sanding and painting the log cabin in Boscombe Chine Gardens

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Caprice McWilliams
Kings Park Cricket Pavillion

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