
Training session

Running is never a daff (t) idea

6 GoodGymers made their way 14.0km on a training session in Ipswich.

  • Carolyn Allan
  • Anwen Greenaway
  • Bethan Greenaway
  • Alan Bowley
  • Katie Fellows
  • Ruth Appeltant
Sunday, 21st of March 2021
Led by Alan Bowley

So with spring march-ing onwards the challenge was to capture the blossoming beauty of the British countryside. If like me you spend all your energies looking at your average rolling pace, then this weekend was the time to put cover up your smart watch and grab a camera.

Having captured the daffodils in Christchurch Park, Ipswich a few days prior, somehow I managed to pick a country-lane route that was bereft of wild flowers, Instead, I did stumble across plenty of wild life including the cutest of three wee little black pigs, all playing nicely with a flock of hens - sorry, no pics, this was the daffodil challenge!

However, some of our GoodGym members from the Oxford area had much better luck and the picture gallery shows off the Oxford blooms in Florence Park and South Park. Thank you to Anwen and Bethan Greenaway and Katie for sharing your daffs with us all Anwen Bethan Katie.

And to make sure her flower-power efforts where shown at their best Ruth Appeltant Ruth decided to tidy the foreground by heading out with her litter-pick and plogging her way from Marston to Elsfield. Well done Ruth, a splendid effort.

Report written by Alan Bowley

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