
Group run

Paint the Town Red (and White) 🤍 ♥️

5 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the The 61 Football Club in Luton.

  • David Mansfield
  • Kamal
  • Musa Kamara
  • Mohammad
  • Fredy Jacob Larios Estrada
Wednesday, 6th of December 2023
Led by David Mansfield

We were a team of five on a frosty December evening, making our way carefully along the icy pavements with a combination of gentle running and walking to suit all abilities and energy levels.

We were heading back to the 61 Football Club for one last painting session before the end of year. On arrival we cracked out red paint for the back room floor and white paint for the referee's changing room. The spaces only being small meant we were done quickly and could give the entrance area a coat of white as well.

With that all done and brushes and rollers washed we were kindly given some chocolate to see is through the return journey back into the town centre.

The club is starting to look really smart thanks to all the recent efforts. To thank us for helping Richard and Cliff offered us the use of the club for our Christmas party 🎉

Report written by David Mansfield

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Friday December 8th, 2023 16:30

How lovely to see Freddy and Kamal in the photos - it's been a while. Hope they are both keeping well. And well done Mohammed for getting another task under your belt. :-)

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