
Group run

No sign of Noah

7 GoodGymers made their way 2km to help the Portsmouth Residents & Visitors in Portsmouth.

  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Tony Hewett
  • Jo Kitching
  • Val Cameron
  • Judy Knapp
  • Tracey Dean
  • Jen Stoneham
Wednesday, 16th of November 2022
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

In the biblical rain and flooded pavements we could have probably used an ark this evening... On the plus side, Sam (the task owner) did only give us the indoor jobs to do.

St Wilfred's church has its final service on Sunday, Tracey has been part of the musical accompaniment to many services here and Jen came to preschool here so they both had a walk down memory lane. Everyone else had nostalgic memories evoked by some of the different pieces we found in the areas we were helping clear.

Half the team were in the kitchen emptying the cupboards and pantry of glasses, vases, cleaning equipment and more tea towels than I've ever seen including a Muppet Show one that must have been from the 80s!

The other half of the team were upstairs getting their steps up emptying the cupboards of large bibles and various robes and associated materials.

Everything was put in the small hall for transport to St Mary's and St Faith's, scrap metal or donation to other causes / tip!

We managed to dry off and warm up before heading back out into the flooded streets for our journeys home.

Thanks team, great to see you all and let me know if you find an ark anywhere!

Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson

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Katie Carew-Robinson
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Run Leader for GoodGym Portsmouth. Health & fitness coach, student, runner, outdoors lover & cinnamon bun enthusiast.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jo Kitching

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Led by Jen Stoneham
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