
Group run

No, I don't want no shrub

9 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the St Andrew's United Reformed Church Centre in Ealing.

  • Mike C
  • Claire
  • Ealing runner
  • Annabel
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
  • Madhan
  • StephDucat
Tuesday, 5th of September 2023
Led by Kash

It's officially September! As we found out tonight, it's probably the time to start bringing head torches to the group runs. Despite being caught by darkness by the end of the task, we can say it was a night of many highlights!

  • Sevan was celebrating his 400th good deed 💯💯💯💯🔥 - what an achievement, so close to 500 now!
  • We completed a task for a new community organisation: St Andrew's Church and Community Centre, thanks to Claire who recommended them
  • Annabel made her comeback after recovering from an injury - we missed her a lot!

As usual, we set off from Bodyline, with Madhan, Milly and Annabel walking to the task, and Sevan, Steph Ducat and Kash setting off for a short hill running session. Divya cycled all the way from Hammersmith to meet us at St Andrew's. Together with Mike and Claire he appeared with perfect timing!

The task owners - John and John - were excited about our arrival and confident about our destruction skills. You've read that right: destruction 💥 The task involved a serious cutback of naughty shrubs and small trees that were inviting anti-social behaviour. In other words:

I want you to decimate that shrubbery - John

After the briefing, John and John offered us cold water as the day was hot and gave us a choice of sharp objects: saws, loppers, shears and secateurs. Our eyes lit up immediately, and we were ready for action. In less than an hour, despite meeting a couple of cute pups that were a lovely distraction, we've accomplished our work of destruction.

GROAD - Get Rid Of And Destroy! - Madhan

We picked up the litter excavated in the cutting process, chopped the big branches into pieces, then swept smaller trimmings and piled them against the wall. The area of dodgy activities turned into an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty! And no, that is not an overstatement for the stretch of leafless shrubs and tree stumps. We believe that the place looks much tidier now. Minister Sue from the church, who was out with her dog for a walk, stopped by and admired the transformation. John was very grateful for our work and hoped to see us again for another task.

Some of us headed to Haven Green where we treated ourselves to a Tabata-style fitness session and some stretching, while others went to treat themselves to well-deserved drinks. Eventually, we all ended up in the pub to raise our glasses to Sevan's 400 and nibble on some sweet and savoury snacks.

Next week we are involved in once-in-a-year task - helping Ealing Half Marathon put up signs ahead of the race! Don't miss it and sign up here!

Report written by Kash

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Wednesday September 6th, 2023 16:13

Great task and amazing fitness session Kung Fu Panda style 🤣🤣

Wednesday September 6th, 2023 21:21

Get ready for some more kung-fu next time 😜

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Led by Kash

Running? Lifting? I'll do that only for GoodGym.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • StephDucat
    • Madhan
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Madhan
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • StephDucat
    • Sevan

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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