
Community mission

Muddy mucky litterpickers

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Luton Borough Council Parks and Countryside and Friends of Stopsley Common in Luton.

  • Gill
  • Dani CB
  • Yasin Lutale
  • Musa Kamara
  • Derrick Etoyu
Sunday, 18th of February 2024
Led by Dani CB

This afternoon, 5 GoodGymmers made their way over to support the Friends of Stopsley Common with their monthly litterpicking session, who as usual were very grateful to receive our help. Due to the heavy rain, the common and Hays Wood were quite flooded in parts, but this wasn't enough to put us off! Before long, everyone was getting stuck in, and Siobhan (FOSC) triumphantly discovered a vintage hula hoop crisp packet from 2002! Shout out to Gill for kindly giving some of our muddy GoodGymmers a lift to and from the task. A brilliant effort, well done all!

Report written by Dani CB

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Luton runner
Luton runner
Monday February 19th, 2024 12:40

Well done in the Stopsley wetlands !!

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Dani CB
Led by Dani CB

GoodGym Luton TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Gill
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Gill

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