
Group run

🪨 Limestone cowboys 🤠

14 GoodGymers made their way 9.0km to help the City of York Council in York.

  • Michal Czekajlo
  • Carl Wain
  • York runner
  • Stefan Durkin
  • Nicky Woodall
  • Jenna Drury
  • York runner
  • York runner
  • Mitch
  • Tristan Featherby
  • Vicky Hearson
  • Abigail Darton
  • York runner
  • York runner
Monday, 13th of March 2023
Led by Nicky Woodall

🌧️ 14 dedicated GoodGymmer heroes braved the less-than-ideal weather for a long run to our session tonight 💪

🦸‍♀️🦸‍ Speaking of heroes, it was Vicky's 300th good deed and Mitch's 400th. Mitch had the cape tonight and it’ll be Vicky’s turn next week. Amazing stuff, well done guys 👏

🥳 It being a longer run, Vicky led a party pace group off early for a muddy run over Hob Moor. These guys were swiftly followed by Michal and his gang who also went over Hob Moor and then via Foxwood Community Centre to collect the tools 🧹

👣 We all gathered by a very muddy footpath, soon to be made less muddy with our footpath-building skills! We quickly got to work to get warm, shovelling rubble into wheelbarrows to be run over to the path. Stationed at the path and brandishing rakes were Claire and Jenna, ready to smooth the newly-laid path, and measure (by eye) an approximate 10cm depth 📏

🙌 Many barrows were wheeled and much material spread, making great progress given the short amount of time available. It was soon time to head back to base, with Vicky and the gang doing party pace and Michal following, via the community centre to drop the tools off.

🥶 Once back at base, it was time to stretch off, dry off and warm up (some heading home for a bath, others to the pub for a pint).

👍 Thank you so much everyone for some incredible work in not-so-desirable conditions. We’re heading back to continue work on the path in a few weeks so keep your fingers crossed for better weather 🤞

*Credit to Stef for the pun 👌

Report written by Nicky Woodall

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Nicky Woodall
Led by Nicky Woodall

Area Activator for GoodGym York. Loves everything running, from parkrun alphabet collecting to marathons. Will run for cake!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • York runner

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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