
Community mission

Ivy having a great time at Urban Green's 100th task!

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Urban Green Newcastle in Newcastle.

  • Liz Bennett
  • Tanya Johnson
  • Aimee
  • Damu
  • Newcastle runner
  • Krishti
  • Anna Cuninghame
Sunday, 24th of March 2024
Led by Krishti

It was urbangreen's 100th task and we all showed up to Hodgkin park pretty excited and prepared with some surprises. Mike was there on a purely volunteer role but he shared lovely stories about the park as usual. Today's job was to take down the Ivy that had covered a massive section of the wall. It looked pretty satisfying at first. Taking down entire sections of Ivy. But we had to drag it uphill, so it was out of the way and we were all sweaty and out of breath in no time! Our tea/coffee break was extra special as Mike had brought in a chocolate cake and Lucy's mum baked us some lovely cupcakes to celebrate the occasion. We managed to clear off quite a lot of Ivy. All in all a very exciting task and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Report written by Krishti

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Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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