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Krishti went on a community mission

Sun 16th Jun at 10:30am

Walk this (slow) way

Newcastle Report written by Tanya Johnson

Slow ways aims to create a national network of walks linking up towns and cities to inspire people to walk more.

As part of their Summer Way check we walked a route from Central Station to Gosforth High street. Taking us past Newcastle’s oldest church, through Exhibition park and across the Town Moor.

The time and distance flew by as we talked about our favourite places to walk and before we knew it we were settling down for a cuppa and light lunch.

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Anji AndrewsAimee
Krishti completed their first weekend mission. 🤩

Sunday 2nd June

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Krishti completed their first weekend mission.

Krishti has forgone the usual weekend routine. Instead of lie-ins, roasts and strolls around the park Krishti has dropped everything to run a GoodGym mission for someone who needed help. Respect

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Krishti run their first missions with GoodGym. 😎

Sunday 2nd June

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

Krishti run their first missions with GoodGym.

Krishti has just done something they've never done before. Krishti has just run a mission; they've changed their running route and run to help someone who really needed their help.

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Krishti went on a mission

Sun 2nd Jun at 11:00am

Cut and run!

Newcastle Report written by Aimee (she/her)

Two GoodGymers helped a older person who had just moved house to clear her large over grown garden, to make it more manageable for her look after.

Went we got there we realised how large and overgrown the garden was and we just decided to do what we could within the time. Kristi set to work weeding on one side and I cut down all the over grown plants on the other side. Then Kristi cut back bushes near the path as I sweeped up.

We felt like we had made a big difference in the hour and a half!

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Anji Andrews

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Jack Da Silva

Mon 3rd Jun at 10:09am


Krishti signed up to a mission.

Sun 2nd Jun at 11:00am

Garden tidy up for Mrs J (flexi-mission)(WK3)

Mrs J has never had a garden is finds it very overwhelming. She is very anxious it will get too much and would like to spend time outside

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Krishti went on a community mission

Sat 25th May at 10:00am

We arch-ieved it!

Newcastle Report written by Krishti

Today we were back at exhibition park to help out Urban Green. The mission for today was to tidy up the arch beside the urban green cafe and the play area and fill in any gaps in the tunnel. It was a nice sunny morning and we got to work trimming the willow hedges and weaving them into the existing arch whenever possible. It's definitely a multiple day job but we did manage to trim around a lot of the arch and then clean up all the branches and leaves.

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Anji Andrews

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Newcastle runner

Sun 26th May at 12:26pm

Great pun!

Krishti signed up to a community mission.

Sun 16th Jun at 10:30am

Krishti signed up to a community mission.

Sat 25th May at 10:00am
