Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Is this one for the clothes RAK?

2 GoodGymers made their way 2km to help the Refugee Action Kingston in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Nicky West
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Friday, 3rd of May 2019
Led by Nicky West

Nicky + Samia on a mission = deluge guaranteed. Even if weather apps tell us both a 0% chance of rain. This formula never fails.

So we arrived in said 0% chance of rain in a soggy state, Nicky drenched to the core and Samia soggy-toed but glad she'd doubted the forecast and gone back for her brolly. Piper Hall was full of bags of donated clothes for their Clothes for Refugees day tomorrow, ready and waiting for us to lift, sift and shift to the relevant tables.

True to form, we created tales and characters for each bag’s donors, including The Man Transitioning From Dull & Dreary To Awesome Prints. Little does he know that we’ve really given his life some thought: is this a partner wanting him to wear brighter clothes and him resisting (and therefore donating)?; is it a case of somebody who brightens up the clothes for summer?; is the muted checked shirt collection a graded transition to the brighter prints?

Nicky recruited a hanger fetcher who was slightly puzzled by GoodGym (yes, we are still allowed to get on planes and boats to go on holiday!), and we sorted items that were too faded and for recycling, mahoooooosive items for the “oversized clothes bag”, items for handing on the clothes rails and items for folding (ugh, we are NOT good folders!). We also added to our list of "phrases that would only be heard on a GoodGym task" list, including "are these pants too pants?" and "these clogs came with a bonus pair of scissors". We also found Happy and Sleepy from the 7 Dwarves (now, I wonder which one is Sleepy, she writes having headed to the mission following an afternoon nap...).

After sorting through lots of bags of clothes and creating lots of tales between us, we headed out into the... Sun!

And just when you thought the formula was incorrect, Samia got a drenching after collecting her bike...

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Nicky West
Nicky West
Saturday May 4th, 2019 06:42

Great report Samia! Always fun to mission with you despite the deluge!!

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Nicky West
Led by Nicky West

GoodGym has genuinely transformed my life for the better!

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    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Kingston upon Thames runner

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The Quaker Centre

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