

Ice cream by the pool (table)...

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Lambeth.

  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Nick Moore
Saturday, 20th of April 2024

Ana and I arrived at Mrs M's from different directions this sunny afternoon to move some bags of garden waste, a small sandpit and a surprisingly heavy pool table, which had clearly seen better days. We had as an audience Mrs M's friendly cat, who was clearly keen to get involved in the action too. With everything shifted to where it could be collected, the chimes of the local ice cream van got louder and it conveniently pulled into Mrs M's street - we both resisted the temptation, but we may have spied Mrs M popping out for a welcome cone...

Report written by Nick Moore

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Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock
Sunday April 21st, 2024 21:21

Love the run report title Nick! 😄 hope the bag drop today went smoothly

Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Monday April 22nd, 2024 12:38

well done both!

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