

I'm vine, thanks for asking

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Madhan
Sunday, 25th of June 2023

Finding Mr.T's ~~apartment~~ estate was easier than finding his house as the estate was huge. I pressed the doorbell and waited for 30 seconds before Mr.T opened the door. He was saying that the door is open via the intercom which I couldn't hear in the speaker next to the doorbell.

So you are the gardener who is going to help me out - Mr.T

I tried my best explaining about my role in goodgym and my experience with gardening. Mr.T asked multiple times how am I going to do this on a hot and sunny Sunday at noon. Mr.T then showed me the tools.

  • A small pruner
  • An iron rake
  • A spade
  • A mattock

Mr.T offered me a bottle of cold water which kept me going throughout the task.

I asked which part he wants to be tidied up. The garden is a small one and Mr.T gave a very simple instruction. Just clear the weeds. After doing some gardening with Sevan yesterday, I used his technique of pulling out the weed by hand. They came pretty easily. Luckily there was a corner where there is shade. I tried to position myself in that place and was doing all the un-weeding. I asked Mr.T for his guidance as my gardening knowledge is not that great.

Just remove the weeds, not the plants. If it has flower in it, don't touch - Mr.T

There were a lot of weedy weeds which I chopped, pulled, and raked. Soon the leaves and weeds start piling up. I thought I'll bag them down before I continue further. Bagging them took more time than I thought. It was nearly 13:10 when Mr.T said, that would be enough and said I can come back next Sunday to finish the remaining. I explained the GoodGym process to him before taking down the 3 bags of weed to the bin area of the estate.

Report written by Madhan

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Sunday June 25th, 2023 23:46

A mattock! 😮 You lucky person. That must've been a lot of fun

Monday June 26th, 2023 00:18

Smashing it!

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Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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