
Community mission

🎄High Town Highlights🎄

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the High Town Community CIC in Luton.

  • Gill
  • Martin R
  • Gail Dearing
  • Duncan
  • Musa Kamara
Saturday, 2nd of December 2023
Led by Gill

Hightown was chilly tonight so the 5 of us were wrapped up warm. It was Musa’s first time out in his new black GoodGym t-shirt so it was nice to see it peeping out from under his coat once we got warmed up in the Methodist church hall. We enjoyed hot chocolate, coffee mince pies and chocolates while getting our hi vis from Maz, one of the organisers of the High Town Lantern Procession. And then it was time to usher the families into the procession. Martin and Duncan made an excellent job of stopping the traffic to allow the children and their parents to get safely across. Hill and Gail led the procession down the road with Musa helping to stop traffic at the side streets so that the children arrived at the square and gathered in front of the tree. We enjoyed listening to St Matthew’s School Choir singing Christmassy songs whilst we kept our eyes peeled to ensure there were no children near the road. We joined in the countdown and the lights were turned on 🎄 and it was time to relinquish our hi vis and return home.

Report written by Gill

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