
Group run

Going Roundabout The Houses

3 GoodGymers made their way 4.2km to help the Roundabout Ltd and Roundabout Ltd in Sheffield.

  • Annie Anthony Mays
  • James Smith
  • Tarj
Monday, 26th of February 2024
Led by James Smith

On this week's GoodGym group run our task was to deliver leaflets for Roundabout, promoting two events they have coming up. One leaflet was advertising the Night Owl event wherein people sleep out at Hillsborough and the other was information about the Night At The Musicals drive in cinema event at Meadowhall. Both are to raise money for and awareness of the Roundabout youth homeless charity. We were met by delightful Denise who distributed bags of both leaflets to us and some proposed route maps. As there were only 3 of us tonight we decided that we would focus on a single route together. We agreed to meet Denise back at the Showroom after distribution to report on how we got on, then set off on our merry way.

The map we chose was Route A (for GoodGym's A team) directly behind the station. We trotted our way through the station and up the Steel Steps of Sheaf Valley Park. On the way up the steps we became curious as to the total number of them, but only started counting from about half way up. We estimated that there are a total of 99, based on the number of steps in each set. If anyone wants to correct us on this, please do! When we reached to top of the amphitheatre we had a brief moment to catch our breath and take in the resplendent view of Sheffield. Taking advantage of this pause we formulated a rough plan of how we were going to divvy up the delivering duties. Two of us would work down one side of a road and one on the other, whichever team reaching the end of the street first doubling back to meet the others.

We discovered a few interesting details during our deliveries tonight... one, the houses on one side of the street have winding long drives leading to huge hidden houses... many of which seem to like also having hidden letterboxes! The second, Taj is a very speedy leafletter. And the third, Annie is not a fan of yappy dogs (but who is?!).

The route we managed to cover for Denise was Norfolk Rd, the top third of Granville Rd, Ingram Rd, Tylney Rd, Seabrook Rd, Stafford Rd, Glencoe Rd and part of the B6071.

After completing our paper route we geared up for some high speed egg and spoon racing. In lieu of delicate eggs we had a couple of satsumas and a hardened lemon. Our race was to take place at the entrance to Norfolk Park. We ran from one side of the entryway to the other, around a bollard and back. It came down to a photo finish, but we were all winners tonight (or just say James won).

Following this excitement we had the come down of the run down. We debriefed Denise back at the Showroom and then blocked the path of many cinema goers whilst stretching indoors.

Report written by James Smith

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James Smith
Led by James Smith

Previously AA of Barnsley GG. I was torn between Barnsley and Sheffield :)

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Annie Anthony Mays

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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