Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Fill me up, daffodil 🌼

1 GoodGymer made their way to help the Marie Curie in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Friday, 1st of March 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

St David's Day + Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal = The perfect reason to dress up as a human daffodil!

This time it was an outing to Morrison's in Wimbledon. Unfortunately my collection buddy could no longer make it but I had good company from a very friendly security guard, who provided banter and top tips for not getting cold whilst standing. The free coffee was also appreciated!

The collection felt slow (ok, dire) at first but it picked up as time went by so I stayed a little longer than planned and had a few very generous donations. The Hat also received some attention, with comments like "I think it might be one size too big" and "seeing as you're wearing that hat, I have to donate!".

Collection complete, I popped to NatWest to may it in and was very pleasantly surprised - £64.10! Not so dire after all!

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! 🌼 🐉

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Friday March 1st, 2019 15:42

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus i ti hefyd, Samia! :)

Saturday March 2nd, 2019 00:40

Well done!!

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Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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