
Group run

Drizzly Drop

4 GoodGymers made their way 5.7km to help the Change Kitchen in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • Miriam
  • Laura Smith
  • Eve Edwards
Tuesday, 27th of February 2024
Led by Miriam

On an unexpectedly rainy eve we headed out on a 5km run and delivered an entire roads worth of leaflets for Change Kitchen.

An adorable cat followed me and Morwenna down the road 🥰

It was quite dark and rainy so we didn't have time for a photo! We'll be out again to deliver more leaflets next time.

Report written by Miriam

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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