
Group run

Doing Gurd and Getting Fit

10 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help the Shri Guru Ravidass Sangat in Luton.

  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Luton runner
  • Luton runner
  • Martin R
  • Gail Dearing
  • Duncan
  • Abim Adejumo
  • Mayra Torres
  • Derrick Etoyu
Wednesday, 6th of March 2024
Led by David Mansfield

This week was a short distance run round the corner to help with final cleaning and vacuuming of the Guru Ravidass Gurdwara before the festivities start on Friday.

We mopped floors polished tables and surfaces and even gave the faux flowers a shower. The carpet got vacuumed as well as we remembered the night a year ago that we were here lifting the giant heavy rolls of carpet up the stairs!

With all that done we had plenty of time to do some strenuous bodyweight exercises to make up for not having a long run.

Report written by David Mansfield

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David Mansfield
Led by David Mansfield

Luton Area Activator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Abim Adejumo
    • Gill
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Gill

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