
Community mission

Can't Be-Leaf-Let We Did it

10 GoodGymers made their way to help the Queens Park Community Council in Brent.

  • Samina
  • Liz
  • Deborah Skinner
  • Tabitha Skinner
  • Pete
  • Emily Oldfield
  • Helen Ray-Jones
  • James Nottingham
  • Lee Worth
  • Bexley runner
Monday, 19th of October 2020
Led by Tabitha Skinner

Queens Park Community Council has produced new leaflets which they needed help to deliver, and ten Goodgymers answered the call. Lucie had kindly pre- packed boxes with leaflets for each street, so it was easy to divide up the task between us all. Each household received two leaflets, Queens Park Voice outlines the support available during the COVID pandemic, and highlighting all the work they have done so far. The second leaflet was a map of the local area, with a guided walk of local places of interest, and plenty of facts and trivia. We set out and delivered the leaflets, with enough time for us each to take a second street (and some even a third!) A patrolling police van checked up on us, but declined the suggestion of helping us out In just over an hour we managed to deliver over 1000 leaflets, and Lucie was so pleased with the help we gave QPCC. We posed for a team photo, and walked, ran or cycled home . Thank you everybody!!!

Report written by Tabitha Skinner

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Monday October 19th, 2020 23:41

good report

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GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening sesh!

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tabitha Skinner
Beer and Burger

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