
Group run

Some guy asked me if I wanted a leaflet. I said, Bro......sure ?!

5 GoodGymers made their way 6.5km to help the Helen Rollason, YMCA Essex, and The Ideas Hub in Chelmsford.

  • Joel
  • Rich Walker
  • Fay Downing
  • Andy Holmes
  • Jess Fairman
Wednesday, 13th of December 2023
Led by Rich Walker

First of all thank you to Fay for the run pun :-))

5 of us managed to get out on a Wednesday evening to help post leaflet bundles around the mean streets of Chelmsford.

With Jess "running" late (get it) and Fay meeting us with the leaflets Joel, Andy and myself decided to keep warm while we waited and do some squats. We must have done at least 287,726 by the time Jess arrived ( I promise (( wink emoji)) ).

Then we set off into the night with head torches blazing the way until we arrived in the Westlands estate and met Fay with some excellently bundled leaflets ready for us to post.

And so we did, and actually managed to post all the bundles we had and even went to our extra individual leaflets until we arrived back where we started.

With a quick goodbye to Fay we set back off to warm up and get back to HQ ASAP.

Some of us will be partaking in a 12km run this weekend, wish us luck and then it will be out for our annual Xmas meal and to celebrate the year past ( there maybe some awards)

Next week we will be posting more leaflets in the Meadgate area

Thanks all for coming

Run Happy


Report written by Rich Walker

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Rich Walker
Led by Rich Walker

1x ironman finisher. Will do almost anything for cake. Remember it's been scientifically proven that smiling makes you faster. ☺

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Garden clearing at Meadow View Cottage

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Laurie Glendinning
Anglia Ruskin University

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