BIG GREEN WEEK: Now you see it, now you don't! That's magic

7 GoodGymers made their way 4.1km to help the Kingston Council in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Rachel White
  • Tom Peacock
  • Claire Dunne
  • Melanie Kenny
  • Sabir Babaiy Majdar
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Emma Crowe
Tuesday, 13th of June 2023
Led by Rachel White

A great group run to Sobraon House last night where we helped to tackle another section of the garden of this assisted living home. A huge pampas grass had taken over and was overhanging the walkway making it difficult for Reg, one of the residents, to get his wheelchair past without being attacked by the sharp leaves. GoodGym to the rescue!

Sabir and Jade got started on the hue pampas grass which must have been about 10 feet wide. It had been left to grow and my word it was a giant of a plant. They pulled out the dead leaves with their hands and got the loppers out for the rest. Now you see it, now you don't!

Tom, Melanie and Anne, our lovely local councillor, got started on the trellis and got the overhanging leaves to a more manageable length whilst also tackling other areas of greenery that had gone to town with all the rain and sun. The big brush was used to go round all the walkways to increase accessibility and it very quickly improved the aesthetics of the garden.

Rachel and Emma filled up a huge waste bag with bits of metal, broken plant pots and all manner of waste found in the beds. Gross a job as it was, it was soon done, and a grotty corner was grotty no more.

The time went quickly and we had to work hard to get all the cuttings out the garden and by the road for collection by Glendale the next day. The whole of the garden had more light and was a whole lot more accessible than when we first arrived. Reg had been watching and encouraging us and at the end he was asked his thoughts on our hard work. "It's magic', he said giving us the big thumbs up.

Soon it was time to head off and some of us ran off to The McFly concert down the road at Pryzm! A great task and a fun GoodGym evening out as well.

Well done to Melanie on her first task! Welcome to the group and thank you for all your hard efforts. There's another task for Sobraon House in July so sign up for it to help this community.

Report written by Rachel White

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Rachel White
Led by Rachel White

I am the area activator for Kingston Upon Thames. Keen to keep moving and improving.

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Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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