
Group run

Best endeavours make may'flower' close ship shape

10 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Breathing Spaces in Worthing.

  • Belinda Robinson
  • Beth Nelson
  • Nick Gleeson
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Paul Woodcock
  • Roxy Nevzorova
  • Barbara Barrett
  • Worthing runner
  • Emma Hughes
Monday, 22nd of October 2018

Chasing the light

With another stunning sunset and clear skies the group convened directly at the task this evening to catch the last 30 minutes of daylight. It was great to welcome newbie Emma to the group together with Jay ,Barbara,Belinda,Anne ,Paul,, Nick together with a delightful Roxy return and finally Beth who gave us all a truly lovely surprise with a Monday night visit back to her home town. Seriously happy vibes tonight!

Hap -B-ee Birthday

Extra special mention and many happy returns to Birthday Girl Belinda. Massive kudos to her for giving her time and energy to GG tonight. What better place to be spend your Birthday than with your GG buddies ?! We look forward to raising a glass with you next week in celebration of your special day.

Great friend -chips with the GG task force

This evening it was great to return to May Close to assist our friends Lisa and Claire at Breathing Spaces. The task was a continuation of our visit from last time where we transferred wood chip from Keith's truck to flowerbeds in the secret garden aka May close allotment! There was also a large bed that needed some heavy digging over.

We were warmly met by Lisa, Claire and Keith who dispensed tools and instructions. Roxy, Barbara and Emma wasted no time in laying cardboard onto the beds to act as a lining that mulches down as an ideal foundation for the wood chip top layer.

Belinda throughly enjoyed shovelling the wood chip from the lorry into barrows followed by Anne , Nick and Beth doing shuttle runs between the beds and the lorry.

Dig and Dug

Paul and Jay put their backs into some energetic digging over of a grassy bed which resulted in a slightly muddy quagmire but a great job done. I didn't envy the amount of mud clinging to their trainers when we started running!

Falling temperatures and failing light made the task all the more fun

With the light fading fast there was plenty of GG chat and banter and it was really interesting to get to know Emma and learn about how her life journey brought her to Worthing Good Gym.

Tasks completed and tools stashed the group energetically ( not) posed for photos with Beth in the obligatory wheelbarrow photo before some cheery farewells and 'see you next year' to Lisa and Claire before heading off on our run and fitness session. Oh and lets not forget the sounds of Happy Birthday Belinda ringing out in the cold night air of the allotment!

Sprints of darkness

All 10 of us headed down in formation style to the seafront where we hugged the streetlights for some sprint , burpee and strength action. A sandwich of exercises saw some elevated heart rates and a few aching muscles with Emma setting the standard with her deadman burpees. What great training for the November burpee challenge which is approaching fast.

The group split into 2 for the run back to the start point at May Close. We finished with some frank group discussion about the concept and practicalities of GoodGym walking options being supported by task force members of the group. Perhaps this is one to ponder on for further discussion at the pub next Monday?

Social and parkrun news

Don't forget next Monday we will do Birthday drinks at the Cow and Elm after the task but before that this Saturday its the GoodGym takeover of parkrun! See you all there bright and early at 8:30am

Wishing an energetic and happy week

Julia :)

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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I love the concept of getting physically and mentally fit whilst combining it with helping others. I run most days.

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Seafront Flower Bed tidy up followed by a Bank Holiday social

Monday 17:30 - 19:15
Splashpoint Leisure Centre

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