
Community mission

Bagging up at Baffins

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Baffins Pond Association in Portsmouth.

  • Abby
  • Yvonne Hawley
  • Jane
  • Joe
Saturday, 20th of April 2024
Led by Abby

Four keen goodgymmers joined baffins pond association for their monthly litter pick on a sunny spring morning. A big GG welcome to Joe for his first good deed with goodgym. Lovely to meet you!

As usual at baffins there was copious cigarette butts to pick up around the pond and the squirrels were wild and the gave Joe a friendly 'hitchcock'-esque welcome to the woods.

We met Yvonne and Jane and headed into stag woods and found a treasure trove of litter as well as a rogue lonely boot on the way. After picking up all the cans and bottles and Joe scaling a tree to get some destroyed tarpaulin we headed back to the BPA to hand in our haul.

Report written by Abby

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