
Community mission

An "Intents" New Year Litter Pick

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Friends of People's Park and Luton Borough Council Parks and Countryside in Luton.

  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Martin R
  • Luton runner
  • Duncan
  • Laura Cheek
  • Musa Kamara
  • Julius Morie
Saturday, 6th of January 2024
Led by David Mansfield

8 Goodgymers joined the Friends of People's Park monthly litter pick. Some of the hardy crew completed the Parkrun at Wardown beforehand...others of us had a gentler start to the New Year!

25 bags of post Christmas and New Year rubbish threw up an eclectic mix of items including fireworks, a mop, luggage and the usual assortment of dubious park paraphernalia.

David set about sorting out an abandoned tent, Gill was moving bags by the barrow load and Martin and Duncan uncovered an unfortunate cat.

The Christmas spirit was hanging on with lights and a couple of baubles still strung up on one of the trees - heartwarming!

We were delighted to welcome Laura from Goodgym Barnet to the Luton fold - we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Rounding things off with a cuppa at our favourite High Town coffee shop, a very successful first clean up of 2024.

Report written by Duncan

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David Mansfield
Led by David Mansfield

Luton Area Activator

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    • Duncan
    • Gill
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    • Duncan
    • Gill

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