
Community mission

Harvest Festival at the Farm

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Aldermoor Community Farm in Southampton.

  • Jen Stoneham
  • Wilson
  • Abby
  • Rowan Thorne
  • Dave M
  • Amanda Thorne
  • Southampton runner
Saturday, 23rd of September 2023
Led by Wilson

Saturday was a beautiful day at Aldermoor. It was the Harvest Festival, there was lots going on, craft stalls, the outside kitchen selling hot food, apple pressing, cheese and chutney tasting, duck feeding, willow weaving, live music and a raffle!

For the morning shift Amanda and her daughter Rowan (a GoodGym tourist😊) did a brilliant job of making teas and coffees for all of the stall holders and volunteers. Amanda also assisted a less abled visitor around the farm.

Abby and Wilson were the morning welcome crew, welcoming visitors to the farm and giving them a little overview.

Lucy popped in to help mid morning and did an ace job of taking photos of the event for Richard the farm manager to use.

In the afternoon Jen and Dave from GoodGym Portsmouth arrived, their job was to sell raffle tickets to visitors as they passed.

This was a real GoodGym Team effort, its so nice when our GoodGym neighbours from Portsmouth and Lambeth join us!

Report written by Wilson

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