Monday 21st October 2024
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Sallyann Hardwick
So how much wood could a Goodgymmer chuck if a Goodgymmer could chuck wood?............
Autumn is well and truly here and tonight was our last night of 2024 with John and Friends Of Everton Park. We have been helping out over the months in the beautiful Everton Community Garden taking out the old rotting wooden raised bed frames which are being replaced. Each bed is able to be gardened without requiring to kneel or stoop so they have a lot of frame! So its quite some effort to dismantle as despite being rotten they are fixed together by hefty bolts and nails. Many techniques were used to release some of the stubborn planks..... some of the Goodgym team crowned themselves as nail technicians.
The old wood will be burnt on bonfire night so we were just in time to finish up and complete the dismantling of the last two remaining wooden frames. Both in time for the bonfire and in time for us to finish for our traditional winter break from Everton Park. Thank you John for all your wonderful tasks during 2024 and see you in March 2025.
Tue 22nd Oct 2024 at 9:30pm
Lovely 😍
Supporting a community garden project