Car Free Sunday Event in the Mystery: UPDATED INFORMATION!

Promoting active travel and community days

The Mystery
Wellington Road
L15 4LE
Date and time
09:30 - 17:30
Sunday, 24th of September 2023
Who this task will support
Love Wavertree

Love Wavertree is a social enterprise doing amazing work in Wavertree to help improve the neighbourhood through a wide variety of projects and support, including the fabulous Reloved Charity shop with all the proceeds going straight back into the community projects.

They are restarting their Car Free Sunday events that were really popular before the pandemic, promoting active travel, clear air, and community cohesion.

This first one in September will be held in the Mystery (the park next to Wavertree Aquatics Centre) and will have stalls with local sellers and crafts, as well as activities, performances and a chance for the neighbourhood to come together.

We'll have a small stall to give us a chance to chat with people and share all our fabulous work, and to encourage people to come and join us! We're also sharing the stall with the fabulous Vicky from Litter Clear Volunteer & Penny Lane Wombles are joining towards the end of the day to clear up the last of the litter while we help the Lover Wavertree team take the stalls down and clear away.

It should be a really fun day and a great chance for us to spread the word about GoodGym while helping out with this fab event. The more of us the merrier!

The event runs from 10am-4pm so it's a long day and we're not expecting everyone to be able to do the full day, so just say in the comments below what times you can make, ideally we'll need a bunch of us at the end so we can really help with taking all the stalls down!

//UPDATED INFORMATION: As we are now helping out with two different events on Sunday the plans have changed slightly.

There are different options to how/when you might take part in this event with us:

Option One: The main important time period for this event is from 4pm-5:30pm when we are on the event rota to help with taking down the event and clearing up. The event team are really relying on our help for this part so if you can only spare an hour or so please come along for this. If you are not already at the event with us then please arrive for 3:45pm and find the GoodGym info stall in the market area and join us ready to help out!

Option Two: If you are up for being around for some or all of the event then I (Ema) will be there from 8:30am till the end of the day running our GoodGym info stall, chatting to people about what we do and getting people to sign up to be sent info on joining us! Come and join me for any part of the day, either to pop by for a short visit, a couple of hours or longer. There's lots of activities, stalls and performances to explore too and enjoy the day!

It's very helpful if you can say in the comments or our WhatsApp group when you are planning to attend for the day, and remember, please do prioritise coming to help with option one if you can, but if not it will be lovely to have help at any time in the day too!

How are you getting there?

Meet at the task
I will make my own way to the task
  • Unknown runner

Who's going

  • Lucy Walters
  • Eileen Rogausch
  • Sallyann Hardwick
  • Amina Suleiman
  • Heetu
  • Ema Quinn


Lucy Walters
Lucy Walters
Thursday September 21st, 2023 09:50

Hi, I can come for an hour or so to help set up, this is my first session :)

Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn
Saturday September 23rd, 2023 12:31

Hi Lucy, looking forward to meeting you, I've sent you an email about the day xx

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The Mystery
Wellington Road
L15 4LE
Date and time
09:30 - 17:30
Sunday, 24th of September 2023
Who this task will support
Love Wavertree

Sign up by 9:30am on Sunday 24th September so we can let Ema know who to expect.


As you will make your own way to the task, feel free to walk or run as you wish.

Ideal for beginners

The Mystery
Wellington Road
L15 4LE

Ema Quinn
Led by Ema Quinn

(she/her) Liverpool Area Activator, mountain hiking beach wanderer at heart, a surprised runner, and wild swimming wannabe.

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

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