Weekly visit to Mr G

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in York
John Bourton

Tuesday 16th April

Report written by John Bourton

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We’ve been seeing each other for several months now and we are hoping to be paired under the new pairings system which operates like the Coach system and avoids the need to write and publish a weekly report. Unfortunately it is taking longer for the IT system to accommodate the changes so meanwhile i will perforce have to continue writing a weekly report. Suffice to say Mr G and I enjoy meeting up each week. The photo this week is of my bluetits nest which now has 4 eggs in it. Mr G and I are following their progress.

John Bourton
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Tidy up beds at Holgate Community Garden
🗓Today 11:00am

Help maintain a community garden for local residents

Laura BarrettDavid BarrettStefan DurkinAimee
4 GoodGymers are going

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