We had joy we had fun…

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Worthing
John Robinson
Belinda Robinson
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Saturday 9th December 2023

John Robinson
John Robinson


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by John Robinson

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But we saw no blooming sun!

John and Belinda headed out for the monthly GoodGym promoting parkrun volunteering. It seemed a perfect time to promote GoodGym to the runners, many of whom would likely be adding to their Run up to Christmas miles - a virtual event by Run Things which raises funds for GoodGym.

To be truthful it wasn’t so much “headed out” as heads down as we strode into the headwind, then sidewind. And the rain, oh the rain………

Set out with the best of intention

As usual, John was on setup duty. First task was to decide on placement of the finish funnel. It was unanimously agreed that the likelihood of any “general public” being out and about was slim, so a funnel on the path it was to be. After very careful measuring (or maybe ‘by sight guessing’) the finish point was set, and cones laid out.

No need to check it twice!

Meanwhile the safety check for the course was underway. The timely return of this essential volunteer brought proceedings, not so much to an abrupt halt, more to a considered pause. Apparently, apart from the promenade being wind and rain lashed, he reported a serious possibility of beach huts on the move. Following a brief Run Director huddle, Belinda was on social media declaring the cancellation decision. Even Santa had abandoned his sleigh.

What goes up, must, well, you know!

Setting the Worthing parkrun record (the only parkrun record John is likely to hold) for the time between set up and take down, the finish line disappeared and we headed to the start area to ensure anyone who had missed the message pinging on their phone was made aware of the decision.

With the prospect of a flying beach hut landing on a runner leaving nothing but a pair of ruby red running shoes visible, and our irregular GoodGymer Sarah’s fear of melting in the rain, it felt like the wind had deposited us in the land of Oz. I bet the weather would be better there though!

Theres something fishy going on

The runners who turned up at the start were pretty understanding of the decision, though some still ventured out on the course, daring the beach huts to interfere with their planned morning exercise. We watched several of them finish wet and bedraggled, though no doubt feeling rather triumphant, from the warmth and comfort of Splashpoint cafe. I’m pretty certain that fewer finished than set off….

Social media feedback declared dogfish on the prom, and someone declared himself all set to go having donned his swimming costume.

Just and proper

It seemed rather fitting that having started his GoodGym journey on the way home from a ‘refreshment’ stop, with a sweeping brush thrust into his hand by Julia, John’s 250th good deed should centre around a parkrun not actually happening!

This task supported
parkrun - Worthing
Local community free weekly timed run

Every Saturday this community event happens

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Discuss this report

Mon 11th Dec 2023 at 5:51pm

Congratulations on your 250th John ! Great report on an eventful task !!


Mon 11th Dec 2023 at 10:49pm

Great read thanks John 😊 👍

Join us on our next session


Heene Road Community Garden and Barbara's 300th Good deed plus celebration
🗓Monday 17th February 6:00pm

Helping out in the community

Barbara BarrettPaul WoodcockPaula MartenRoxy
8 GoodGymers are going