Friday 26th July
Report written by Emily
Jonathan, Woody and me had a great time in Mr M's garden. It was so satisfying to chop down huge brambles and lots of bindweed.
We all got away with just a few scratches from the brambles, although Woody scared us at one point by saying there was blood on his rake! Luckily we realised it was most likely a squashed blackberry; Jonathan couldn't resist trying them - they were delicious, apparently!
We made huge progress. It was almost impossible for three of us to stand outside Mr M's back door when we arrived, but now you can really see the space available in the garden. Our target was to get to the shed by the time we had to leave, but we far surpassed that!
We would love to go back to help Mr M again. He was very grateful to us and is hoping he will be able to get out to his garden soon.
Fri 26th Jul at 5:56pm
Brilliant work! Well done!
Tue 30th Jul at 10:30am
Fantastic work, all!