Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Emma
5 of us met for the Rickety's Tuesday quiz, with no cancellations due to the football this time. In the usual Dodo Pub style, there were no straightforward question and answers. We had one round using all the letters of the alphabet, another sudoku style answer grid, a picture round, the music round etc. We learned that Mario is a plumber (news to some of the team), the most common aliens are called 'greys', and Kier Starmer is the rumoured influence for Mr Darcy in the Bridget Jones films.
We managed a very respectable 2nd place, with £10 of bar snacks as the prize. We also made a pretty solid dent in the £90 tab I was mysteriously sent when the previous quiz was cancelled.
Pizza, pints, and peanuts for all!
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