Swan Rake

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Tower Hamlets
Oliver Rockett
Fiona M
Laura Williams
John Shirley
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Tower Hamlets

Monday 20th November 2023

Report written by Laura Williams

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A small, but productive fitness crew met at the end of Harley Grove for tonight’s session.

With soggy surfaces thanks to another drizzly November day, we focused tonight on balance (for a change), lower body strengthening and flexibility. It was nonetheless a useful session, and a fun one too, as we discussed the need for chocolate at this time of year.

Moving to the GET OUT garden, we were greeted by Frankie who talked us through tonight’s activities.

We promptly split into pairs and worked around the garden, moving large piles of branches and twigs, and raking leaves galore.

Bags were filled, compost bays stacked and lats worked.

It was the usual companionable evening, combining productivity and chatter.

It’s always a joy to see Frankie, who volunteers frequently at the garden with regular task owner Kieran, and who himself is a gardener extraordinaire.

After stacking the last rake (and admiring the straight rows of garlic, planted at our last visit) we proceeded to pose for one last picture before heading off into the night, excited for next week’s task.

A big shout-out to our committed, industrious team tonight, and especially to Fiona for tonight’s spectacular pun.

Session Leader
This task supported
Get Out

At GET OUT we believe ALL young people should have the same access to the natural world

See more
Oliver Rockett
Fiona M
Laura Williams
John Shirley
Join us on our next session

Tower Hamlets

Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot
🗓Today 9:30am

A great start to your weekend!

RebeccaJoannaLoboSander Heinsalu
4 GoodGymers are going

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