Saturday 12th August 2023
Report written by JP
We were back on the Ham Lands for our monthly visit this morning, 8 happy GGers ready to help the Friends of Ham Lands in their efforts to conserve the beauty of the area for all visitors to enjoy.
It was another celebration mission as Rosie hit her 50 Good Deeds milestone and she donned the black sash with pride. Big congrats to Rosie, here’s to the next 50!
It was a warm morning. Our task was to continue where we left off in July, cutting down the suckers (saplings) growing from the roots of the cherry trees not far from the road.
The group got going with secateurs and loppers, trying to cut the suckers off as close to the ground as possible to keep the growth in check. As usual there was plenty of chat as we caught up on each other’s news.
A brief break was called as we stopped to admire the antics of a very impressive looking wasp spider, which had weaved a very effective web in the tall grass. While we watched, three unwitting insects were caught in the web and she was quick to pounce and wrap them up for later snacking. So long, suckers again…
After we finished it was time for hot drinks. With it being Rosie’s 50 milestone (and Beth’s so recently), Salwa had made her customary celebration brownies and we made our way to a cafe right by Teddington Lock (the Swiss Bakery being closed for the Summer) to gorge ourselves.
Next time at Ham Lands will be the 9th of September, you can sign up here:
They seek to preserve and enhance the natural habitats of Ham Lands
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Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve