Mystery Shoppee

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Ealing

Saturday 17th February

Report written by Sevan

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Sevan was sent to shop for a mystery man today. Details were scarce apart from his name and address. Even how he would pay or if he even would were unknown. Maybe he was in witness protection, an aged gangster hiding out or just a very private person. Sevan decided not to ask, so the mystery remains...

Shopping for Mr J was straightforward and he did have cash to hand. At least that was one unknown that revealed itself. Four basic food items were on the list and milk, bread, cheese and eggs were quickly acquired. Spaghetti bolognese in a tin took a bit more hunting for and luckily the local Sainsburys stocked it, so Sevan managed to deliver everything that Mr J needed for the week ahead.

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An exciting transformation in Southall! 🥕🥦🥔 July community action day at Western Road Urban Garden
🗓Today 10:00am

Help create an accessible green space that will provide food, horticulture and leisure for the community

3 GoodGymers are going

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Bristol runner

Tue 20th Feb at 10:22am

Nicely done Sevan