Sunday 10th December 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Daryl Shaw (he/him)
We had 5 hardy Goodgymers at the farm on Sunday despite a few late dropouts (likely due to the weather forecast). Luckily, there was only a light rain while we completed the tasks that Pat had lined up for us. We started with collecting the fallen leaves on the Thames Path for mulch. We then split into two groups. Paulin, Sander, & Nirmay split off to bag up manure while Emma & Daryl tackled the hops on the fence at the edge of the farm. An hour and a half flew by and today we got to hold and see the ferrets in their ball pit while their cage was being cleaned.
Surrey Docks Farm is run by a charity and provides education for school children, young people and adults with learning difficulties. Our work helps with essential maintenance and helps them keep the farm operating.
See moreSouthwark
Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!