Early bird catches the worm (& drops the shop!)

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Oxford
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Sunday 19th April 2020



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Report written by Alice

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So they say things happen in threes. Let a pandemic be no different!

Gone are the days of searching for loo roll and anti-bac wipes, this week's challenge was finding a pesky bottle of disinfectant. We trailed high and low (good gym-er and honorary family members alike!). As Friday's rain poured and the grass turned a slight bit greener, so too did Ms M's luck (& our hands and produce!!) - victory in a single bottle of disinfectant to brighten Ms M's Sunday morning (& kitchen!).

Mrs J & her friendly little dog were also pleased to receive their weekly food drop, with items for Mrs J's four-legged friend remaining a top priority on the list.

While I would otherwise be leading Alpaca walks in this beautiful weekend weather (another story for another time!) having a different reason to get up & moving early in the morning means enjoying breakfast with our nesting robin (see picture)! It might be different but it sure isn't bad!

Jobs jobbed; until next time!

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Anwen Greenaway

Sun 19th Apr 2020 at 6:03pm

Alpaca walks? Tell me more!


Tue 21st Apr 2020 at 2:56pm

Yes! My first and only weekend job (& don't tell the day job, but it's in close competition with my PhD knowledge base!! Haha) - Very excited to hear of any you may have seen on your Peruvian adventures!

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Trainers for JogOn
🗓Wednesday 19th February 6:00pm

Plus it’s our 6th birthday!

Daphne MPCassy FifordKieranBen GremsonAndy
18 GoodGymers are going