163 finishers, 41 personal best times, 17 first-timers, 11 wristbands,

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Cardiff

Sunday 22nd October 2023



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Report written by Flo

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This week, Cardiff Junior parkrun was having a takeover from another wonderful Cardiff-based running club, She Runs: Cardiff. Nearly all the volunteers today are a member of that running group, and the volunteer roster was very full and healthy-looking all week. Flo was marshalling in 'playground' with a veteran volunteer who literally wrote the manual on setting up the playground spot, and two She Runners.

It was a beautiful day, enjoyed by all.

There was a bumper amount of wristband milestones today, 6 juniors collected their half-marathon wristbands, 4 juniors collected their marathon wristbands, and one prolific junior collected their ultra wristband.

This task supported
parkrun - Cardiff juniors
It is a 2k event for juniors only (4-14 year olds)

Weekly event held in Llandaff Fields just for kids. Aims to get children out exercising and socialising in a fun environment

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