Rebecca Joskow


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Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🎉

Monday 11th November

Community Cape

Community Cape

Rebecca Joskow earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Rebecca completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Rebecca was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow went on a community mission

Sat 9th Nov at 11:00am

Bag boys for life

Newham Report written by Graham Johnson

Saturday morning - perfect time for a parkrun goodgym combo! Wanstead flats the meeting point. For some of us the first time parkrunning at Wanstead flats! Great morning for it. One of the few occasions I haven’t seen someone taken down by the muddy section. Good warm up for a couple of Sunday morning half marathon heroes in the group.

Then on to Emmanuel church. Anticipating the big crowds of Sunday morning, the church were keen to get the leaves that had fallen on the paths around the church cleared - avoid some potentially hazardous situations. Initially, we divvied the task, boys to bag the leaves, girls to rake (hence “bag boys for life”) but ultimately everyone was chipping in with everything. We counted up and think it was probably around a squillion leaves that we cleared between us and the other volunteers at the church so all in all, job well done.

Watch out for more Saturday parkrun goodgym combos in the coming weeks as we’re trying to work out when our next instalment is gonna be and we’re definitely thinking this side of Xmas!

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Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow signed up to a community mission.

Sat 9th Nov at 11:00am

Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow went on a group run

Wed 25th Sep at 6:45pm

Don’t Stop De-leaf-ing

Newham Report written by Rosa

A rainy forecast wasn’t going to stop GoodGym Newham on Wednesday evening as 6 of us met at the Print House for the all important pre task briefing and safety reminders before heading to regular task Abbey Gardens.

The gardens want to be as sustainable and self sufficient as possible, and part of that is managing and producing their own compost from any green waste, so we had a really important job of tackling a mountain of twigs and branches, removing the leaves (“de-leafing“) and breaking them down into smaller pieces so that they could go into the composters. Armed with various shears, loppers and gloves, we successfully avoided thorns and potential spiders to make a decent dent in the twig pile and top up the compost.

It was also great to see the new greenhouse they have put up on the space we cleared on a group run not so long ago, with Adam helping with the finishing touches by clearing some rogue brambles that had found their way into the back.

We debated this week’s random weekly question during the task - favourite pizza topping? A couple of classics with margheritas and meat feasts. Some international submissions including the double bacon cheeseburger pizza with extra brie (I think prawns were mentioned too…). Tuna seeded to be the overall winner though - give it a go if you haven’t tried it yet!

Luckily the rain didn’t start until just before we finished at the gardens, so we arrived back at the Print House relatively dry, completed all our cool down stretches, and celebrated with the signature post-run orange and lemonade (in slightly DIY fashion).

From next week GoodGym Newham will be moving to Tuesday night for our group runs, along with all our regular members we’re hoping to also see a few more faces both old and new who can make it on Tuesdays! Next week we’ll either be flyering or off to the allotments - details to follow, but sign up here and see you then.

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Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow signed up to a group run.

Wed 25th Sep at 6:45pm

Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow went on a group run

Wed 28th Aug at 6:45pm

It takes a little trowel and error.

Newham Report written by Sharon

The start of a new era at GoodGym Newham with our first group run as a community led group.

Paige joined us for her first group run which was excellently led from the Print House by Hilary following completion of her fitness leader training.

We have retained the random weekly question and this week was 'favourite weekend activities' - answers included trips to the seaside, city breaks, cinema, brunch, being out in nature and Im sure some you can guess who gave these replies: paintball and parkrun.

A gentle evening run to Emmauel Church where we meet Sybil and some of the parish leadership team.

Planting was the job of the evening, some of the plants had seen better days but looked better after a good water and we are sure Sybil will look after them.

As usual refreshments had been provided by the Sybil some fruit and ice lollies.....a welcome cool down before we headed off into the setting sun.

Next week we are heading to Newham Hospital to help tidy their Globe garden

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Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow signed up to a group run.

Wed 28th Aug at 6:45pm

Weeding and Planting

Improving the church yards biodiversity

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Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow went on a group run

Wed 21st Aug at 6:45pm


Newham Report written by Brahma Pochee

Swansong session yesterday, with a tremendous turnout of some of my favourite people, a lovely conclusion to a job that gave me so much.

It transpired that I've run out of Random Weekly Questions, trying to refrain from a deeper enquiry about change or anything of the tear-jerking variety, hence I was blank; so we rolled a positive and somewhat sentimental question: "Favourite GoodGym organisation ?" Turns out there were loads, no clear winner, an indication of how broad our church is and how many remarkable local projects there are.

I then proceeded to say a few words, delving into what GoodGym has given me. For those who know me know that discussing and interrogating my emotions isn't what I consider a night out, I'm a huge advocate for the dated practice of bottling things up, but the occasion was worthy.

To reiterate what I may have mumbled, I'm mostly grateful for the lifelong friendships, enforced by the experiences of volunteering, running, British weather, travelling, racing and drinking. With a special nod to a lovely couple, whose relationship was forged by a series of Wednesday evening connections. Proud, for the impact we have had on the locality, the number of messages I get saying "how amazing your volunteers are". Equally, proud for the transformational change many of you have undergone through running. Loss, because I will miss you all. But I always end with this positive feeling; I think because it's now left in a very capable set of hands; arise Task Force.

Amongst this milestone, we did actually do some good yesterday, in the form of my least favourite task, flyering. The morale was high, so it was hit easily absorbed. With the return of some long-serving sisters, Mel and Ruth (and later Charlotte), it felt like 2019 again, what a treat to see you, appreciate the effort to come. With big numbers comes big effect, and we managed to get our flyering done in no time, leaving many moments to loiter and talk curb-side.

With the realisation I can't summarise nor do justice to my thoughts on my tenure, I'll wrap this up now. But not after a huge thanks to my lovely photo-book compilation.

It's not bye, but see you later.

Till next time,


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Thu 22nd Aug at 4:23pm

Thanks for all you have done for us….unwavering support and encouragement


Thu 22nd Aug at 4:23pm

will miss seeing you every Wednesday but will keep you updated on any trips xx

Redbridge runner

Wed 28th Aug at 1:55pm

all the best for your next adventure!

Jack Da Silva

Thu 29th Aug at 5:45pm

All the best Brahma, stay in touch!

Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow signed up to a group run.

Wed 21st Aug at 6:45pm

Rebecca Joskow
Rebecca Joskow completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym. 🤩

Thursday 15th August

On a roll

On a roll

Rebecca Joskow completed 25 good deeds with GoodGym.

Rebecca has already done 25 good deeds with GoodGym. Instead of doing anything else, they've used their run to go and help people that need their help; digging, lifting, scraping, clearing, planting and weeding. Stuff that makes this a better place to be.

