Ged Jenkins-Omar


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Starter's pistol
Tirunesh Dibaba
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Ged Jenkins-Omar
Ged Jenkins-Omar run a race with GoodGym for the first time. 🤩

Saturday 15th June

Starter's pistol

Starter's pistol

Ged Jenkins-Omar run a race with GoodGym for the first time.

Ged has done their first race with GoodGym. Performing on the day is a lot of pressure; Ged's dealt with the nerves and turned up on the day to make it happen.

Dave M
Ged Jenkins-Omar
Ged Jenkins-Omar run their first 5k. 🥇

Saturday 15th June

Tirunesh Dibaba

Tirunesh Dibaba

Ged Jenkins-Omar run their first 5k.

Ged has just logged their first 5k with GoodGym. Ged has joined the ranks of Athletes like Tirunesh Dibaba - running gracefully over 5000 metres. Show Ged some love.

Dave M
Ged Jenkins-Omar
Ged Jenkins-Omar went on a race

Sat 15th Jun at 8:45am

Bringing the GoodGym sunshine vibe to a lovely (rainy) parkrunday

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

The blue skies may have left the scene but GoodGymmers far and wide had gathered at Telford parkrun from the Shindig and elsewhere, bringing their own sunshine to the gathered masses.

With first timers joining the parkrun family, people bagging their alphabet T plus seasoned parkrunners and volunteers, a huge group cheered in the final parkrunner and her entourage of tailwalkers and marshals gathered along the way.

The results are published for anyone interested in that sort of thing and we look forward to hearing of future parkrun adventures from you all!

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Tom MuttonDave MMark Gilyead

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Jacob Harriss

Mon 17th Jun at 2:07pm

Thanks for making it happen Melanie!

Bristol runner

Mon 17th Jun at 3:48pm

Amazing support at the finish :)

Jack Da Silva

Mon 17th Jun at 6:19pm

Thanks for organising Melanie!
